Speedy Recovery from COVID-19 Keep body and limbs warm, or else symptoms like coughing, runny nose, fever might aggravate. Have frequent small meals, choose food that...
Is it true that sleeping before 1am can help maintain a healthy liver?We have all heard that "sleeping before 1am can help maintain a healthy liver". This saying, albeit well-known, is theoretically...
Summer Tips (Chinese) | TOPick| 6 Thirst-quenching Food to Prevent Heatstroke 春夏交替的日子,天氣潮濕時冷時熱,對於在戶外工作的人來說,要在酷熱環境下工作很需要吃對的食物消暑。註冊中醫李亦寧為大家推介6款有效消暑的食物,並分享一款茶療讓大家消暑解渴。 中暑或造成生命危險 李醫師指如果是户外運動生手或者缺乏户外工作經驗人士,在酷熱天氣下長時間活動,欠缺...