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Natural Moxibustion Therapy (TianJiu) 2023

Image by Annie Spratt

In TCM theory, there is a concept of treating "winter disease" during summer. During natural moxibustion therapy, medicinal herbs are applied to specific acupuncture points on the skin. Stimulating these acupoints will encourage flow of qi and blood, restore the balance in the forces of yin and yang and as a result, treat or prevent illnesses.

The dates for the three doses of Natural Moxibustion in 2023 are
July 11 (Tuesday), July 21 (Friday) & August 10 (Thursday).

From now till June30, a HKD$50 early bird discount will be given to patients who book and pay in advance.

(Original price $600*, discounted price: $550)


*The price includes the dressings for all 3 sessions

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